Serving Family Law Clients in San Bernardino
Get In Touch Today 909.315.4588
A Mothers' Rights Giving you the upper-hand during this difficult time.

San Bernardino Mothers' Rights Lawyers

Let Our Dedicated Attorneys Advocate for Your Rights in the Inland Empire

With recent developments in family law, a mother’s rights are not given as much priority in the courts as once were. In these days, mothers must fight aggressively to achieve a favorable settlement for their divorce or custody situation.

The fathers’ rights movement has created a situation where the court no longer grants full child custody and child support to the mother by default, and mothers will also have a more difficult time receiving enough child support and spousal support to meet their needs.

It has become absolutely essential to obtain the services of a qualified mothers' rights attorney in San Bernardino to help fight for your rights as a mother. Our team at the Law Office of Michael R. Young is here to help.

Let us help you get started on your case. Contact us!

Your Rights as a Mother During Divorce 

If you are a mother and are looking to end your marriage or increase your child custody, you should speak with an educated lawyer from this firm about your goals for your legal case. More and more women today are willing to stay in unhappy marriages because they are concerned they won’t be able to succeed in court.

However, with the help of a legal advocate, you can greatly increase the possibility that your divorce settlement will comfortably provide for you and your children.

The courts examine a variety of factors when making a custody decision in the child’s best interests, such as the following:

  • History of violence / abuse
  • History/contact with parents
  • History of substance abuse
  • The child’s health
  • The child’s safety
  • The child’s welfare
  • The child’s preferences and wishes, in some cases

Over 50 Years of Legal Experience in San Bernardino

Are you looking for a lawyer for a mothers’ rights case in San Bernardino or Riverside? Our legal team at the Law Office of Michael R. Young understands the stressful nature of divorce and / or child custody cases.

We are here to help! From providing you with caring legal counsel to defending your rights as a mother, we are prepared to work hard to make sure you can move forward with your life.

Our firm has experience in cases involving:

Our San Bernardino mothers' rights attorneys understand what is on the line for our clients. We are well-versed on the complexities of these cases and how stressful they can be.

That’s why our team strives to provide every client with personal support and constant communication. We always keep your best interests in mind and we take our fight for your rights seriously.

Take the next step to a brighter future and contact our firm today for a consultation.

Read Our Clients Stories

  • “Sensitive to my interests, and represented myself and your office with the utmost professionalism.”

    Jason K.

  • “Mr. Young and his staff were great and I believe I received a great result with their efforts.”

    Allison T.

  • “I would absolutely recommend the Law Offices of Michael Young”

    Matthew W.

  • “I am so glad that I was referred to the Law Office of Michael Young.”

    Nina O.

  • “I wish that I had hired him to handle my initial divorce.”

    Khanh T.

  • “They did a good job – especially their understanding of the emotional dynamics with divorce.”

    Ramona C.

  • “They fully understood my case and simplified many things about my case. ”

    Astrid R.

  • “Your office has wonderful customer service”

    Lisa D.

  • “The office manager Lety worked out a payment plan for me and was professional, courteous and understanding.”

    Felix L.

  • “His office pursued my case diligently and we were victorious at trial.”

    John H.

  • “My ex-spouse would have ruined my life without your help.”

    J. C.

  • “The advice I received.. is invaluable.”

    Laura B.

  • “We won and it’s all due to your hard work”


  • “We will definitely recommend his services”

    Brett D.

  • “I appreciated the divorce process outline that I received at the beginning of my divorce.”

    Jill K.