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What to Do if Your Ex Cuts You Off

If you’re like most people, a divorce will cause serious financial changes in your life; you’ll really notice the changes if you and your ex have made a habit of sharing your individual incomes or if you’re unemployed. As San Bernardino divorce lawyers, we’ve seen several cases that involved the earning party withholding money from the unemployed spouse. While it’s unfair and wrong, it happens.

So what can you do if your ex cuts you off and you don’t have enough money to get by?

Talking to Your Lawyer about Your Finances

Make sure your attorney understands your financial circumstances. While you were married, you may have made financial contributions or made other types of contributions to the marriage, and your lawyer needs to know how much you put in so that he or she can protect your rights under California law.

If you depended on your spouse to meet all of your financial needs, your divorce may have brought that to a screeching halt. Now you have to start from scratch with no resources, and that’s not an easy thing to do.

How Your San Bernardino Divorce Lawyer Can Help

Many people in situations like yours have a hard time gathering the financial resources necessary to start over. Your attorney may be able to petition the court for spousal supportsooner rather than later; if the judge agrees that you are entitled to receive it, your spouse will have to pay or face legal consequences.

California law requires judges to consider several factors when they’re determining whether you’re entitled to spousal support, including your ability to earn your own money, your standard of living and your ability to pay the bills necessary to survive.

Finding Employment While Waiting for Spousal Support

Your attorney might tell you to start looking for a job. It’s often unsettling—particularly if you’ve been out of the workforce for quite some time—but if your lawyer advises you to, it’s a good idea. He or she won’t tell you to do something that will jeopardize your case or be harmful to your future. Remember, your attorney is there to protect your rights and ensure that your ex doesn’t take advantage of you in court. Every case is different, but your lawyer will work hard on your behalf to ensure that you get what you deserve from the divorce.
